D-Link Crimping Tool

$‎ 21.3
(السعر غير شامل الضريبة)
(excl, VAT)
غير متوفر بالمخزون
نقاط مكافأة: 80 نقطة
طرق الدفع

ضمان الوكيل .

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استبدال واسترجاع .

طرق دفع مختلفة .

أفضل الأسعار .


The tools which are used in installation of a cabling system go a long way in and can sustain extensive use in the field. Modular Crimping Tool can be used to crimp RJ-45 and RJ-11 types of connectors. It is a highly compact and rugged tool and is meant for continuous use in the field. The parallel action design maintains accurate.

Termination suitable for 8P, 6P, 4P connectors
Equipped 8 P RJ-45, 6P RJ-12 & RJ- 11 connectors
Exceptional material properties & design
Sure lock blade holder.
RoHS Compliant
EIA/TIA 568 A/ B

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  • الخصومات
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