Canon C-EXV34 Toner Cartridge - Magenta

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Image result for 3784B002AA

Magenta Canon 3784B002AA Toner Cartridge

The genuine magenta Canon 3784B002AA toner cartridge works with your Canon printer to achieve immaculate image quality. Featuring cutting-edge pQ toner technology, this magenta Canon 3784B002AA or C-EXV34 toner gives you superb colour quality. Perfect for light production and office machines, this original magenta Canon 3784B002AA toner produces high quality graphics time after time. Oil-less pQ toner ensures that the magenta Canon C-EXV34 printer cartridge produces a smooth glossy finish and consistent image quality. The addition of wax within the toner helps to achieve oil-less fusing for improved productivity and performance. Designed to print approximately 19,000 pages, this magenta Canon 3784B002AA toner cartridge is efficient, easy and affordable to use.

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مواصفات المنتج العامة
Approx. 23,000 pages @ 5% average coverage

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