Canon Pfi-107 MBK Matte Black Ink

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نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪PFI-107 MBK‬‏


These cartridges are made mainly of plastic material making local recycling and local energy recovery possible. When local recycling is utilized, environmental impacts associated with the transportation of cartridges are reduced.

To support local recycling and energy recovery, Canon has engraved a plastic resin code on each cartridge. Canon large-format ink cartridges are safe for local recycling and local energy recovery facilities.


These cartridges are made mainly of plastic material making local recycling and local energy recovery possible. When local recycling is utilized, environmental impacts associated with the transportation of cartridges are reduced. To support local recycling and energy recovery, Canon has engraved a plastic resin code on each cartridge. Canon large-format ink cartridges are safe for local recycling and local energy recovery facilities.

الشركة المصنعة
مواصفات المنتج العامة
Canon imagePROGRAF iPF670, iPF670 MFP L24, iPF770, iPF770 MFP L36, iPF770 MFP L36e
Matte black
130 ml

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